Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You - A Mini Book Review

Do I Have To Give Up Me To be Loved By You book review

As the coronavirus pandemic changes the way we live and work, partners may be spending more time together, warts and all. This book can help couples anticipate and approach occasional or chronic conflict with compassion and creativity

Discover how to create a freer, more joyful, and profoundly intimate relationship with your partner. The book explores the delicate balance of being true to oneself and being loved by another.

The book offers a solid framework for conflict resolution, the authors guide couples in working through fears and false beliefs that can block the expression of loving feelings, with stories of couples and examples of dialogue that validate the reader's,feelings and experiences.

This is a classic bestsller that has been highly recommended by marriage therapists since 2002.

The book also includes exercises for couples to enable them build a trully loving relationship.

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